Well guys, it’s been a few months that Craig and I were cleaning up and packing the rest of our stuff and finally leaving our beloved first home. (Truth be told, this blog post has been in my draft box for a while… oops.)
We did it. We sold our home. The last day we were there we were in such a rush till the end (and were late to closing…yeesh) but we were able to savor the last few moments in our home. Since the kids and dogs were at their Gammy’s house already, it really was so special for the two of us to take a minute and remember what it was like to walk in the first time as homeowners. I cried of course just going through each room one last time.
As you can imagine, so many things happened at that house. It was our very first home together and first time home ownership has its ups and downs– clogged toilets, overflowing toilets, leaks, pests to get rid of, rooms to paint (3 times over) and such. It was were I found my passion for design and where Mary Meyer Interiors and I Like it Lovely were born. Two words: house parties– epic house parties that had us cleaning for days after. It’s were we brought a shy little puppy home and raised her together in anticipation (and practice) of having children. We fixed up the nursery for our first child, turning Craig’s man room into a baby haven. We brought our first child home and nurtured him and watched him grow (practically overnight) into a spunky, smart toddler. Our once mostly quiet home was filled with laughter and the sound of little feet. Then, a few years later, I surprised Craig at the kitchen table of news I was pregnant with our second child and then bringing that child,Henry, home. All really happy times.
Even in my grief of losing my Uncle. I can still feel Craig’s embrace as I walked through the door that night. All of these things happened there. And I’m grateful for the loving and warm home we created together.
When we went into contract, a photo popped up on my Instgram of an artist who paints houses based on pictures you send her. I thought it was a lovely way to save the memory of our little home forever. So I commissioned Jess from The Littlest House Shop to paint our home and when it arrived, I was thrilled. Like cried like a baby thrilled. It is perfect. Take a look see.
I love to look at pictures with Freddy and when he comes upon a picture taken in our old house, he recognizes it and that just makes my heart smile. It’s so great that he knows and remembers that home. Then he asks where our new home is. Soon Buddy. Soon. Stay tuned Buttercups. 😉

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